Oct 1
Oct 6
Oct 10
chapter 5
Oct 13
Oct 20
pages 33 - 64
Oct 21
Oct 22
chapters 3 - 4
Oct 1
chapter 5
pages 33 - 64
chapters 3 - 4
Posted by
1:20 PM
Labels: Cam2nd, library books, reading
Posted by
11:59 AM
Labels: Cam2nd, library books, reading
This is obviously very similar to the Summer 2008 Quarter. We aren't adding any new subjects this year, so this is basically just a rearrangement of our previous schedule.
Please forgive the fact that I skipped any mention of the Winter 2007/08 and Spring 2008 Quarters. They were not much different than Fall 2007... just less of the same. ;) But now it is a new year and I need to seriously think of our plans. So without further ado...
Actually an "oral story-telling" assignment to compose a "Story About Me." It could be fiction or non-fiction and story prompts were given if needed, but Cameron had no problem coming up with this. (I did help a bit with the last two sentences though.)
Cameron's Story About Games
Once upon a time, I was playing chess for my first time. I did not beat Daddy. Another time, I played chess against Cassie and Cassia won! Another day I played Daddy again and I got really close to beating him but I didn't. Another time I played Monopoly with Mommy. I also play backgammon with Mommy. Another time I played checkers with Cassie. I like to play games with my family. I can't wait until Greyson can play games with my family and me.
Time to do a little rethinking here. I had always planned on following WTM and cycling through History in 4-yr cycles hitting each topic three times over the course of a twelve year education: Ancients (1st, 5th, 9th); Medieval-Early Renaissance (2nd, 6th, 10th); Late Renaissance-Early Modern (3rd, 7th, 11th); and Modern (4th, 8th, 12th). I've always had a bit of a pang with this anyway because since Cassia is listening in and participating in The Ancients in her Pre/K4 year. I'm not going to start all over again for her in two years when she's 6 and officially in 1st grade. That would be silly. And then what about Greyson and anyone else who might come along?
I finally decided to relax a bit on the strict year divisions and just cycle through the years as we came to them, folding in whoever is interested at the time. That leaves the History Cycles starting as follows:
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12:44 PM
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