Monday, July 16, 2007


  • Story of the World, Volume 1 (The Ancients), Introduction
    • *What is History?
    • *What is Archaeology?

Archaeology (7/16/07)

Scientists collect things underground. They find arrowheads, spear points, skeletons, and human skeletons. They try to figure out what it is and then put it into a museum.

They wear hats so they don't burn in the sun because they work in the hot sun all day long. At the museum they try to figure out what goes where because some of it is broken.

Archaeologists also find buildings and wood pieces that burned in a fire. And that's it.

copied from photo, page 32, in Art and Archaeology by Shirley Glubok.

"This archaeologist is using a periscope to look for artifacts in an unopened tomb."

Most useful library books:


  • archaeological dig in playground
  • finding and documenting pottery artifact in our backyard

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